Noise Pollution: Health Hazards

Noise pollution is anthropogenic sound, noise generated by humans, that impairs transmission of natural sounds. Major agents of noise pollution are highways, railways, harbors, airports, urban centers and industry.  

noise pollution. almo farina

Why is it harmful?

In the last decade, conservationists have recognized the detrimental impacts of noise pollution on terrestrial and marine animals. It masks strategic sounds for survival that effect foraging behaviors, breeding success, community structure, and predator avoidance responses.

As an example, for each decibel increase of noise, the hunting success of northern saw-whet owls decreased by 8%. Noise can cause a 40% decrease of prey capture in Brazilian free-tailed bats that use echolocation to feed. In some frog and bird species, noise pollution causes physiological stress, increasing hormones that negatively impact reproductive rates. Marine life is perhaps the most impacted by noise pollution since they are more dependent on auditory cues over visual cues for survival. 

Through acoustic monitoring, scientists have also found our noise pollution is reaching out to remote wilderness sites changing the acoustic characteristics of ecosystems well beyond city limits. This degrades the natural sonic environments required for certain species to receive acoustic signals over longer distances. Some migratory and territorial species are heavily impacted by this.

Human relationships with National parks and green spaces are affected by noise pollution as well. It is well documented that natural soundscapes have a substantial impact on recovery from stressful events. Studies show that the sounds of nature significantly reduced heart rate and blood pressure. Furthermore, noise pollution inhibits the positive side effects of natural sounds. The World Health Organization (WHO) has labeled noise as a major threat to human health. It can lead to hearing loss, stress, sleep disorders, attention decrease, and strokes. Traffic noise, in particular, increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases, especially among men.    

noise pollution, soundscape, what is a decibel, hearing loss, damaging sound

What can we do?

Noise abatement technologies have been in development for years. However, since there is no incentive within the United States for big industry or urban planning to implement noise control, very little progress has been made to reduce noise pollution. We need to push for legislation that provides regulations, financial incentives, and mandates the use of noise abatement technologies and strategies.

The best example has been from the communities around airports. Residents have demanded noise restrictions that have forced the aviation industry to develop sound mitigation solutions. Over the last 30 years, The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and NASA have been developing equipment and strategies to lower aviation noise and have successfully reduced aircraft noise by 20 dB. However, due to the slow introduction of these technologies to aircrafts, and the increase of passengers and cargo, the global impact of noise pollution from aircrafts is expected to remain constant. If constituents continue to push their politicians to enact more restrictive noise control, big industry will be forced to further invest in and implement noise abatement practices and technologies. 

Going forward, noise mitigation needs to be considered at the urban planning stage. Source control (eliminating sound at the source) should be highly prioritized as it is the most cost effective. Regulations should require that the available sound abatement technologies and infrastructure be use to reduce and eliminate sound from the source. As an example, the use of "quiet pavements" should be mandatory for city streets, highways, and especially roadways within national and state parks. The majority of traffic noise comes not from the car engine, but the interaction between tire and pavement. Quiet pavements have been in development and tested in Europe and can cut traffic noise by 25%.  

When source control is not sufficient, path control may be implemented. Construction of buildings need to incorporate architecture that attenuates sound by reflecting and absorbing energy. Space should be allowed for sound barriers such as planting more trees. Trees in urban areas to help break up the sound through absorption, dispersion, reflection and refraction. 

The growth of human population and urban areas demands we continue to refine and develop new sound abetment technologies in order to protect the environment. Governments and industry will not invest capitol in such development unless there is strong advocation from the people demanding regulatory changes. For more ways to get involved click HERE


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