Take Action: Ways to Get Involved

Small ways you can help out everyday:

  • Involve your friends in outdoor activities, especially those who live in urban areas. This may not seem like a way to make a difference, but it actually does! The more we interact with nature, learn about it, and most importantly have fun in it, the more we care for it. Introducing your friends to something your passionate within nature could alter their perspective and change their relationship with the natural world.

  • Show respect and be mindful of the noise you create in natural spaces and parks. Try to limit noises such as generators, loud music, cars horns, loud engines, speeding (the faster a car goes, the more noise it creates), and yelling. Remember that not only is wildlife trying to communicate and use sound to survive, other people are trying to enjoy the natural world too.

  • Start conversations about soundscape and noise pollution. All movements start by word of mouth. The more people know, the bigger the impact communities will have on changing laws and regulations.

  • If you are still in school, or have a child in school, integrate noise pollution into a school project. This will not only further educate yourself, but your classmates and family members as well.

Get involved with organizations that help make a difference:

  • The Quiet Use Coalition - a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving and maintaining quiet use areas on federal lands and waterways while also maintaining natural soundscapes and wildlife habitat.

  • The Acoustical Society Foundation Fund - supports ASA’s scholarships, grants, fellowships, and other special programs in continuing research on acoustic ecology and noise pollution

  • Noise Free America - A non-profit organization dedicated to mitigating noise levels in communities around the country.

  • Noise Pollution Clearinghouse - non-profit organization with a range of noise-related services available online including a Library of Noise Ordinances

Other Information and Recourses

Don’t forget to share our Soundscape Candles - an immersive sensory experience - with your friends! Listen to our soundscapes and while burning our nature themed candle fragrances!